20 Backyard Activities For Kids

Reminiscent of the clown-and-balloon carnival game, this water cup race is sup[er simple to set up and easy for everyone to play. All you have to do to make this game is cut holes in the bottoms of plastic cups, then string the cups onto a piece of yarn. This versatile table provides the perfect place to pay a few games of checkers, chess, or any other board game—all while soaking up the sun this summer.

Freestanding tree house with stairs is the perfect hideout. There's nothing like getting away from all of the commotion in a nook surrounding by plantings and trees. It's also perfect for a children's secret play space.

Another way to maximize space in play areas is to use temporary structures and play options. This might include tents, inflatable bounce houses, portable sandboxes, or an outdoor sand and water activity table that can be stored when not in use. Including one or more age-appropriate play structures is a good way to encourage being physically active while having fun.

This backyard playground is ideal because it has so much equipment to it. You have some handlebars, a slide and some swings, which are the best features of a playground. Having a playground outside in your backyard is a sure way to keep all your kids entertained and they’ll definitely have Outdoor fun fun. Instead of worrying about finding a movie screen to set up yourself, just buy this amazing inflatable, ready to use movie screen instead. This is a super fun and completely unique idea that the whole family is sure to have fun with. Invite the whole neighborhood over for a block party and snacks.

Start with a homemade map you’ve stained with coffee and scorched the edges. Have some prizes at the end of their adventure. Design a Fairy House - Gather twigs, leaves and flowers and then add a ton of imagination to create a fairy house.

This is one backyard feature that both kids and adults are sure to enjoy equally. Add an element of fun to alfresco dining by introducing a swing to the table. This pergola is home to a traditional dining table, plus a pair of swings to keep the kids happy and busy at mealtime. Design by Yellow Brick Home and Lowe’s Home Improvement. There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned plank-and-rope swing for adding simple charm to your yard. They’re also ideal for smaller yards that might get overcrowded by a large play structure.

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